God knows why

I didn't want to meet you because God knows why
I don't want to see anything from you, because God knows why
We can't be friends, because God knows why
I prefer "don't know, don't care", because God knows why
I have this attitude, because God knows why
I started to feel so numb, only God knows why
I build a wall inside my heart, because God knows why
I became heartless and God knows why
I chose to protect my heart from disappointment, because God knows why
I restricted our conversation, because God knows why
And I disappeared from you, because God knows why
Swelling my eyes because I cried all night long, only God knows why
I lied and tell them I have an insomnia, only God knows why
I try to open my heart but failed, God knows why
I tried my best to date another guy, but failed. Because God knows why
I hurt another heart because my unfinished business, God knows why
I blocked and unblocked you several times, only God knows why
I realized all of this was a waste, because God knows why
I accept my scars, because God knows why
I'll never stop loving you, because God knows why
I stopped looking for your replacement, because God knows why
I forgive you and all that you did, because God knows why
I even forgive her, because God knows why
I let you go, though my heart will always be yours, only God knows why
I miss you every day but can't let you know that, because God knows why
Being nice to you, because God knows why
I wanna run to you, only God knows why
Day and night all I ever think were, what if?
God, let him live his life, keep him safe, bless him with Your grace
Because You know why


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