The art of letting go part 1

Letting go isn't gift you receive
It's a never-ending lesson that you have to gain
You fought
You get hurt
You lose yourself
You are drowning in anger
You lost
You win
You Bleed
And all that feelings mix up and become a beautiful painting
Or maybe...
A hurtful lyric
But the storm will teach you everything
You become somebody else
Because they made you feel the hell
And you come back as a complete human.
Broken, but beautiful.
The process
I know...
It's sad, isn't?
To watch someone you fought for, hurt you with all of his heart
To see the love of your life take away your pride
To feel someone you use to lay on, ripped your heart apart
And after all, you see yourself breaking, with the tears that made you shake every night
Then, your world has completed ending
You feel numb
To be continued


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