Lama ga nulis, there's too much to talk about but everything went south and sour. And I forget so easily. Gue ganti karir di tahun 2022 feels great buat memulai tahun dengan sesuatu yang baru, though it uncertain, sometimes.. but hey~ let's try. I was planning to stay for a while but I can't miss the opportunity. Gue pikir, gue ga akan stay di bidang ini selamanya, tapi kok lanjut. Yaudah, ikutin aja kemana hidup mau melaju, mungkin nantinya bisa settle down since gue udah 30 di tahun depan. Haha~ Gue udah vaksin 2x, Astra Zeneca. September kemarin udah kelar, lagi mencoba cari-cari booster sih, for better protection. Dan beberapa bulan terakhir undur diri dari social media, you know... fokus ke diri sendiri, build my career, stay tune lebih lama di linkedin, scrolling 5 detik, benerin profil 5 menit, have fun di tiktok, ngakak di twitter and left instagram completely because it's not my piece of cake anymore. Facebook? Ada buat nonton video-video warna rambut haha. Oi...